// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use std::iter;
use binius_maybe_rayon::prelude::*;
use binius_utils::checked_arithmetics::checked_int_div;
use crate::{packed::get_packed_slice_unchecked, ExtensionField, Field, PackedField};
/// Computes the inner product of two vectors without checking that the lengths are equal
pub fn inner_product_unchecked<F, FE>(
a: impl IntoIterator<Item = FE>,
b: impl IntoIterator<Item = F>,
) -> FE
F: Field,
FE: ExtensionField<F>,
iter::zip(a, b).map(|(a_i, b_i)| a_i * b_i).sum()
/// Calculate inner product for potentially big slices of xs and ys.
/// The number of elements in xs has to be less or equal to the number of elements in ys.
pub fn inner_product_par<FX, PX, PY>(xs: &[PX], ys: &[PY]) -> FX
PX: PackedField<Scalar = FX>,
PY: PackedField,
FX: ExtensionField<PY::Scalar>,
PX::WIDTH * xs.len() <= PY::WIDTH * ys.len(),
"Y elements has to be at least as wide as X elements"
// If number of elements in xs is less than number of elements in ys this will be because due to packing
// so we can use single-threaded version of the function.
if PX::WIDTH * xs.len() < PY::WIDTH * ys.len() {
return inner_product_unchecked(PackedField::iter_slice(xs), PackedField::iter_slice(ys));
let calc_product_by_ys = |xs: &[PX], ys: &[PY]| {
let mut result = FX::ZERO;
for (j, y) in ys.iter().enumerate() {
for (k, y) in y.iter().enumerate() {
result += unsafe { get_packed_slice_unchecked(xs, j * PY::WIDTH + k) } * y
// These magic numbers were chosen experimentally to have a reasonable performance
// for the calls with small number of elements.
// For different field sizes, the numbers may need to be adjusted.
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 64;
if ys.len() < 16 * CHUNK_SIZE {
calc_product_by_ys(xs, ys)
} else {
// According to benchmark results iterating by chunks here is more efficient than using `par_iter` with `min_length` directly.
.map(|(i, ys)| {
let offset = i * checked_int_div(CHUNK_SIZE * PY::WIDTH, PX::WIDTH);
calc_product_by_ys(&xs[offset..], ys)
/// Evaluation of the 2-variate multilinear which indicates the condition x == y
pub fn eq<F: Field>(x: F, y: F) -> F {
x * y + (F::ONE - x) * (F::ONE - y)
/// Iterate the powers of a given value, beginning with 1 (the 0'th power).
pub fn powers<F: Field>(val: F) -> impl Iterator<Item = F> {
iter::successors(Some(F::ONE), move |&power| Some(power * val))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::PackedBinaryField4x32b;
type P = PackedBinaryField4x32b;
type F = <P as PackedField>::Scalar;
fn test_inner_product_par_equal_length() {
// xs and ys have the same number of packed elements
let xs1 = F::new(1);
let xs2 = F::new(2);
let xs = vec![P::set_single(xs1), P::set_single(xs2)];
let ys1 = F::new(3);
let ys2 = F::new(4);
let ys = vec![P::set_single(ys1), P::set_single(ys2)];
let result = inner_product_par::<F, P, P>(&xs, &ys);
let expected = xs1 * ys1 + xs2 * ys2;
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_inner_product_par_unequal_length() {
// ys is larger than xs due to packing differences
let xs1 = F::new(1);
let xs = vec![P::set_single(xs1)];
let ys1 = F::new(2);
let ys2 = F::new(3);
let ys = vec![P::set_single(ys1), P::set_single(ys2)];
let result = inner_product_par::<F, P, P>(&xs, &ys);
let expected = xs1 * ys1;
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_inner_product_par_large_input_single_threaded() {
// Large input but not enough to trigger parallel execution
let size = 256;
let xs: Vec<P> = (0..size).map(|i| P::set_single(F::new(i as u32))).collect();
let ys: Vec<P> = (0..size)
.map(|i| P::set_single(F::new((i + 1) as u32)))
let result = inner_product_par::<F, P, P>(&xs, &ys);
let expected = (0..size)
.map(|i| F::new(i as u32) * F::new((i + 1) as u32))
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_inner_product_par_large_input_par() {
// Large input to test parallel execution
let size = 2000;
let xs: Vec<P> = (0..size).map(|i| P::set_single(F::new(i as u32))).collect();
let ys: Vec<P> = (0..size)
.map(|i| P::set_single(F::new((i + 1) as u32)))
let result = inner_product_par::<F, P, P>(&xs, &ys);
let expected = (0..size)
.map(|i| F::new(i as u32) * F::new((i + 1) as u32))
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_inner_product_par_empty() {
// Case: Empty input should return 0
let xs: Vec<P> = vec![];
let ys: Vec<P> = vec![];
let result = inner_product_par::<F, P, P>(&xs, &ys);
let expected = F::ZERO;
assert_eq!(result, expected);