// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use std::slice;
use binius_field::{packed::get_packed_slice, Field, PackedField};
use binius_maybe_rayon::prelude::*;
use binius_utils::bail;
use bytemuck::zeroed_vec;
use tracing::{debug_span, instrument};
use super::{packed_field_storage::PackedFieldStorage, Error};
use crate::witness::MultilinearWitness;
type LayerEvals<'a, PW> = &'a [PW];
type LayerHalfEvals<'a, PW> = (PackedFieldStorage<'a, PW>, PackedFieldStorage<'a, PW>);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct GrandProductClaim<F: Field> {
pub n_vars: usize,
/// Claimed Product
pub product: F,
impl<F: Field> GrandProductClaim<F> {
pub fn isomorphic<FI: Field + From<F>>(self) -> GrandProductClaim<FI> {
GrandProductClaim {
n_vars: self.n_vars,
product: self.product.into(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct GrandProductWitness<PW: PackedField> {
n_vars: usize,
circuit_evals: Vec<Vec<PW>>,
impl<PW: PackedField> GrandProductWitness<PW> {
#[instrument(skip_all, level = "debug", name = "GrandProductWitness::new")]
pub fn new(poly: MultilinearWitness<PW>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Compute the circuit layers from bottom to top
// TODO: Why does this fully copy the input layer?
let mut input_layer = zeroed_vec(1 << poly.n_vars().saturating_sub(PW::LOG_WIDTH));
if poly.n_vars() >= PW::LOG_WIDTH {
const LOG_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 12;
let log_chunk_size = (poly.n_vars() - PW::LOG_WIDTH).min(LOG_CHUNK_SIZE);
.par_chunks_mut(1 << (log_chunk_size - PW::LOG_WIDTH))
.for_each(|(i, chunk)| {
poly.subcube_evals(log_chunk_size, i, 0, chunk).expect(
"index is between 0 and 2^{n_vars - log_chunk_size}; \
log_embedding degree is 0",
} else {
poly.subcube_evals(poly.n_vars(), 0, 0, slice::from_mut(&mut input_layer[0]))
"index is between 0 and 2^{n_vars - log_chunk_size}; log_embedding degree is 0",
let mut all_layers = vec![input_layer];
debug_span!("constructing_layers").in_scope(|| {
for curr_n_vars in (0..poly.n_vars()).rev() {
let layer_below = all_layers.last().expect("layers is not empty by invariant");
let mut new_layer = zeroed_vec(1 << curr_n_vars.saturating_sub(PW::LOG_WIDTH));
if curr_n_vars >= PW::LOG_WIDTH {
let (left_half, right_half) =
layer_below.split_at(1 << (curr_n_vars - PW::LOG_WIDTH));
.for_each(|(out_i, (left_i, right_i))| {
*out_i = *left_i * *right_i;
} else {
let new_layer = &mut new_layer[0];
let len = 1 << curr_n_vars;
for i in 0..len {
get_packed_slice(layer_below, i)
* get_packed_slice(layer_below, len + i),
// Reverse the layers
Ok(Self {
n_vars: poly.n_vars(),
circuit_evals: all_layers,
/// Returns the base-two log of the number of inputs to the GKR grand product circuit
pub const fn n_vars(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the evaluation of the GKR grand product circuit
pub fn grand_product_evaluation(&self) -> PW::Scalar {
// By invariant, we will have n_vars + 1 layers, and the ith layer will have 2^i elements.
// Therefore, this 2-D array access is safe.
pub fn ith_layer_evals(&self, i: usize) -> Result<LayerEvals<'_, PW>, Error> {
let max_layer_idx = self.n_vars();
if i > max_layer_idx {
/// Returns the evaluations of the ith layer of the GKR grand product circuit, split into two halves
/// REQUIRES: 0 <= i < n_vars
pub fn ith_layer_eval_halves(&self, i: usize) -> Result<LayerHalfEvals<'_, PW>, Error> {
if i == 0 {
let layer = self.ith_layer_evals(i)?;
if layer.len() > 1 {
let half = layer.len() / 2;
debug_assert_eq!(half << PW::LOG_WIDTH, 1 << (i - 1));
Ok((layer[..half].into(), layer[half..].into()))
} else {
let layer_size = 1 << (i - 1);
let first_half = PackedFieldStorage::new_inline(layer[0].iter().take(layer_size))?;
let second_half =
Ok((first_half, second_half))
/// LayerClaim is a claim about the evaluation of the kth layer-multilinear at a specific evaluation point
/// Notation:
/// * The kth layer-multilinear is the multilinear polynomial whose evaluations are the intermediate values of the kth
/// layer of the evaluated product circuit.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct LayerClaim<F: Field> {
pub eval_point: Vec<F>,
pub eval: F,
impl<F: Field> LayerClaim<F> {
pub fn isomorphic<FI: Field>(self) -> LayerClaim<FI>
F: Into<FI>,
LayerClaim {
eval_point: self.eval_point.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
eval: self.eval.into(),
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct GrandProductBatchProveOutput<F: Field> {
// Reduced evalcheck claims for all the initial grand product claims
pub final_layer_claims: Vec<LayerClaim<F>>,