// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use std::{cmp, cmp::Ordering, collections::VecDeque, iter};
use binius_field::{Field, TowerField};
use binius_math::{evaluate_univariate, CompositionPolyOS};
use binius_utils::sorting::is_sorted_ascending;
use bytes::Buf;
use super::{
error::{Error, VerificationError},
RoundCoeffs, RoundProof,
use crate::{
fiat_shamir::CanSample, protocols::sumcheck::SumcheckClaim, transcript::TranscriptReader,
enum CoeffsOrSums<F: Field> {
/// Verifier for a front-loaded batch sumcheck protocol execution.
/// The sumcheck protocol over can be batched over multiple instances by taking random linear
/// combinations over the claimed sums and polynomials. When the sumcheck instances are not all
/// over polynomials with the same number of variables, we can still batch them together.
/// This version of the protocols sharing the round challenges of the early rounds across sumcheck
/// claims with different numbers of variables. In contrast, the
/// [`crate::protocols::sumcheck::verify`] module implements batches sumcheck sharing later
/// round challenges. We call this version a "front-loaded" sumcheck.
/// For each sumcheck claim, we sample one random mixing coefficient. The multiple composite claims
/// within each claim over a group of multilinears are mixed using the powers of the mixing
/// coefficient.
/// This exposes a round-by-round interface so that the protocol call be interleaved with other
/// interactive protocols, sharing the same sequence of challenges. The verification logic must be
/// invoked with a specific sequence of calls, continuing for as many rounds as necessary until all
/// claims are finished.
/// 1. construct a new verifier with [`BatchVerifier::new`]
/// 2. call [`BatchVerifier::try_finish_claim`] until it returns `None`
/// 3. if [`BatchVerifier::remaining_claims`] is 0, call [`BatchVerifier::finish`], otherwise
/// proceed to step 4
/// 3. call [`BatchVerifier::receive_round_proof`]
/// 4. sample a random challenge and call [`BatchVerifier::finish_round`] with it
/// 5. repeat from step 2
pub struct BatchVerifier<F: Field, C> {
claims: VecDeque<SumcheckClaimWithContext<F, C>>,
round: usize,
last_coeffs_or_sum: CoeffsOrSums<F>,
impl<F, C> BatchVerifier<F, C>
F: TowerField,
C: CompositionPolyOS<F> + Clone,
/// Constructs a new verifier for the front-loaded batched sumcheck.
/// The constructor samples batching coefficients from the proof transcript.
/// ## Throws
/// * if the claims are not sorted in ascending order by number of variables
pub fn new<Transcript>(
claims: &[SumcheckClaim<F, C>],
transcript: &mut Transcript,
) -> Result<Self, Error>
Transcript: CanSample<F>,
if !is_sorted_ascending(claims.iter().map(|claim| claim.n_vars())) {
return Err(Error::ClaimsOutOfOrder);
// Sample batch mixing coefficients
let batch_coeffs = transcript.sample_vec(claims.len());
// Compute the batched sum
let sum = iter::zip(claims, &batch_coeffs)
.map(|(claim, &batch_coeff)| {
.map(|composite_claim| composite_claim.sum),
let mut claims = iter::zip(claims.iter().cloned(), batch_coeffs)
.map(|(claim, batch_coeff)| {
let degree = claim
.map(|composite_claim| composite_claim.composition.degree())
SumcheckClaimWithContext {
max_degree_remaining: degree,
// Identify the maximum composition degrees
for i in (0..claims.len()).rev().skip(1) {
claims[i].max_degree_remaining =
cmp::max(claims[i].max_degree_remaining, claims[i + 1].max_degree_remaining);
Ok(Self {
round: 0,
last_coeffs_or_sum: CoeffsOrSums::Sum(sum),
/// Returns the number of sumcheck claims that have not finished.
pub fn remaining_claims(&self) -> usize {
/// Processes the next finished sumcheck claim, if all of its rounds are complete.
pub fn try_finish_claim<B>(
&mut self,
transcript: &mut TranscriptReader<B>,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<F>>, Error>
B: Buf,
let Some(SumcheckClaimWithContext { claim, .. }) = self.claims.front() else {
return Ok(None);
let multilinear_evals = match claim.n_vars().cmp(&self.round) {
Ordering::Equal => {
let SumcheckClaimWithContext {
claim, batch_coeff, ..
} = self.claims.pop_front().expect("front returned Some");
let multilinear_evals = transcript.read_scalar_slice(claim.n_multilinears())?;
match self.last_coeffs_or_sum {
CoeffsOrSums::Coeffs(_) => {
return Err(Error::ExpectedFinishRound);
CoeffsOrSums::Sum(ref mut sum) => {
// Compute the batched multivariate evaluation at the sumcheck point, using
// the prover's claimed multilinear evaluations and subtract it from the
// running sum. We defer checking the consistency of the multilinear
// evaluations until the end of the protocol.
*sum -= compute_expected_batch_composite_evaluation_single_claim(
Ordering::Less => {
"round is incremented in finish_round; \
finish_round does not increment round until receive_round_proof is called; \
receive_round_proof errors unless the claim at the active index has enough \
Ordering::Greater => None,
/// Reads the round message from the proof transcript.
pub fn receive_round_proof<B>(
&mut self,
transcript: &mut TranscriptReader<B>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
B: Buf,
let degree = match self.claims.front() {
Some(SumcheckClaimWithContext {
}) => {
// Must finish all claims that are ready this round before receiving the round proof.
if claim.n_vars() == self.round {
return Err(Error::ExpectedFinishClaim);
None => 0,
match self.last_coeffs_or_sum {
CoeffsOrSums::Coeffs(_) => Err(Error::ExpectedFinishRound),
CoeffsOrSums::Sum(sum) => {
let proof_vals = transcript.read_scalar_slice(degree)?;
let round_proof = RoundProof(RoundCoeffs(proof_vals));
self.last_coeffs_or_sum = CoeffsOrSums::Coeffs(round_proof.recover(sum));
/// Finishes an interaction round by reducing the instance with a random challenge.
pub fn finish_round(&mut self, challenge: F) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.last_coeffs_or_sum {
CoeffsOrSums::Coeffs(ref coeffs) => {
let sum = evaluate_univariate(&coeffs.0, challenge);
self.last_coeffs_or_sum = CoeffsOrSums::Sum(sum);
self.round += 1;
CoeffsOrSums::Sum(_) => Err(Error::ExpectedReceiveCoeffs),
/// Performs the final sumcheck verification checks, consuming the verifier.
pub fn finish(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !self.claims.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::ExpectedFinishRound);
match self.last_coeffs_or_sum {
CoeffsOrSums::Coeffs(_) => Err(Error::ExpectedFinishRound),
CoeffsOrSums::Sum(sum) => {
if sum != F::ZERO {
return Err(VerificationError::IncorrectBatchEvaluation.into());
struct SumcheckClaimWithContext<F: Field, C> {
claim: SumcheckClaim<F, C>,
batch_coeff: F,
max_degree_remaining: usize,