use super::channel::ChannelId;
use crate::{
piop, polynomial, protocols,
protocols::{gkr_gpa, greedy_evalcheck},
ring_switch, witness,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("flushes must have a non-empty list of oracles")]
#[error("All flushes within a channel must have the same width. Expected flushed values with length {expected}, got {got}")]
ChannelFlushWidthMismatch { expected: usize, got: usize },
#[error("All oracles within a single flush must have the same n_vars. Expected oracle with n_vars={expected} got {got}")]
ChannelFlushNvarsMismatch { expected: usize, got: usize },
#[error("Channel id out of range. Got {got}, expected max={max}")]
ChannelIdOutOfRange { max: ChannelId, got: ChannelId },
#[error("{oracle} failed witness validation at index={index}. {reason}")]
VirtualOracleEvalMismatch {
oracle: String,
index: usize,
reason: String,
#[error("{oracle} witness has unexpected n_vars={witness_num_vars}. Expected n_vars={oracle_num_vars}")]
VirtualOracleNvarsMismatch {
oracle: String,
oracle_num_vars: usize,
witness_num_vars: usize,
#[error("flush selector oracle {selector} incompatible with oracle {id}")]
IncompatibleFlushSelector { id: OracleId, selector: OracleId },
#[error("Non-zero oracles contain zeros")]
#[error("False eq evaluation claim")]
#[error("cannot commit tower level {tower_level}")]
CannotCommitTowerLevel { tower_level: usize },
#[error("{oracle} underlier witness data does not match")]
PackedUnderlierMismatch { oracle: String },
#[error("witness error: {0}")]
Witness(#[from] witness::Error),
#[error("constraint error: {0}")]
Constraint(#[from] protocols::sumcheck::Error),
#[error("polynomial error: {0}")]
Polynomial(#[from] polynomial::Error),
#[error("greedy evalcheck error: {0}")]
Evalcheck(#[from] greedy_evalcheck::Error),
#[error("prodcheck error: {0}")]
Prodcheck(#[from] gkr_gpa::Error),
#[error("eq-ind sumcheck error: {0}")]
EqSumcheck(#[from] gkr_gpa::gpa_sumcheck::error::Error),
#[error("oracle error: {0}")]
Oracle(#[from] oracle::Error),
#[error("HAL error: {0}")]
HalError(#[from] binius_hal::Error),
#[error("math error: {0}")]
MathError(#[from] binius_math::Error),
#[error("polynomial commitment error: {0}")]
PolyCommitError(#[source] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
#[error("PIOP compilation error: {0}")]
PIOPCompilerError(#[from] piop::Error),
#[error("ring switch reduction error: {0}")]
RingSwitch(#[from] ring_switch::Error),
#[error("verification error: {0}")]
Verification(#[from] VerificationError),
#[error("transcript error: {0}")]
TranscriptError(#[from] crate::transcript::Error),
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum VerificationError {
#[error("the number of commitments must equal the number of committed batches")]
#[error("the number of flush products must equal the number of flushes")]
"Channel with id={id} is not balanced. Pushes and pulls do not contain the same elements"
ChannelUnbalanced { id: ChannelId },