// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use binius_field::{Field, TowerField};
use binius_utils::{bail, sorting::is_sorted_ascending};
use tracing::instrument;
use crate::{
fiat_shamir::{CanSample, Challenger},
prove::{batch_prove::BatchProveStart, SumcheckProver},
/// A univariate zerocheck prover interface.
/// The primary reason for providing this logic via a trait is the ability to type erase univariate
/// round small fields, which may differ between the provers, and to decouple the batch prover implementation
/// from the relatively complex type signatures of the individual provers.
/// The batch prover must obey a specific sequence of calls: [`Self::execute_univariate_round`]
/// should be followed by [`Self::fold_univariate_round`]. Getters [`Self::n_vars`] and [`Self::domain_size`]
/// are used to align claims and determine the maximal domain size, required by the Lagrange representation
/// of the univariate round polynomial. Folding univariate round results in a [`SumcheckProver`] instance
/// that can be driven to completion to prove the remaining multilinear rounds.
/// This trait is object-safe.
pub trait UnivariateZerocheckProver<'a, F: Field> {
/// The number of variables in the multivariate polynomial.
fn n_vars(&self) -> usize;
/// Maximal required Lagrange domain size among compositions in this prover.
fn domain_size(&self, skip_rounds: usize) -> usize;
/// Computes the prover message for the univariate round as a univariate polynomial.
/// The prover message mixes the univariate polynomials of the underlying composites using
/// the same approach as [`SumcheckProver::execute`].
/// Unlike multilinear rounds, the returned univariate is not in monomial basis but in
/// Lagrange basis.
fn execute_univariate_round(
&mut self,
skip_rounds: usize,
max_domain_size: usize,
batch_coeff: F,
) -> Result<LagrangeRoundEvals<F>, Error>;
/// Folds into a regular multilinear prover for the remaining rounds.
fn fold_univariate_round(
self: Box<Self>,
challenge: F,
) -> Result<Box<dyn SumcheckProver<F> + 'a>, Error>;
// NB: auto_impl does not currently handle ?Sized bound on Box<Self> receivers correctly.
impl<'a, F: Field, Prover: UnivariateZerocheckProver<'a, F> + ?Sized>
UnivariateZerocheckProver<'a, F> for Box<Prover>
fn n_vars(&self) -> usize {
fn domain_size(&self, skip_rounds: usize) -> usize {
fn execute_univariate_round(
&mut self,
skip_rounds: usize,
max_domain_size: usize,
batch_coeff: F,
) -> Result<LagrangeRoundEvals<F>, Error> {
(**self).execute_univariate_round(skip_rounds, max_domain_size, batch_coeff)
fn fold_univariate_round(
self: Box<Self>,
challenge: F,
) -> Result<Box<dyn SumcheckProver<F> + 'a>, Error> {
pub struct BatchZerocheckUnivariateProveOutput<F: Field, Prover> {
pub univariate_challenge: F,
pub batch_prove_start: BatchProveStart<F, Prover>,
/// Prove a batched univariate zerocheck round.
/// Batching principle is entirely analogous to the multilinear case: all the provers are right aligned
/// and should all "start" in the first `skip_rounds` rounds; this method fails otherwise. Reduction
/// to remaining multilinear rounds results in provers for `n_vars - skip_rounds` rounds.
/// The provers in the `provers` parameter must in the same order as the corresponding claims
/// provided to [`crate::protocols::sumcheck::batch_verify_zerocheck_univariate_round`] during proof
/// verification.
#[instrument(skip_all, level = "debug")]
pub fn batch_prove_zerocheck_univariate_round<'a, F, Prover, Challenger_>(
mut provers: Vec<Prover>,
skip_rounds: usize,
transcript: &mut ProverTranscript<Challenger_>,
) -> Result<BatchZerocheckUnivariateProveOutput<F, Box<dyn SumcheckProver<F> + 'a>>, Error>
F: TowerField,
Prover: UnivariateZerocheckProver<'a, F>,
Challenger_: Challenger,
// Check that the provers are in descending order by n_vars
if !is_sorted_ascending(provers.iter().map(|prover| prover.n_vars()).rev()) {
let max_n_vars = provers.first().map(|prover| prover.n_vars()).unwrap_or(0);
let min_n_vars = provers.last().map(|prover| prover.n_vars()).unwrap_or(0);
if max_n_vars - min_n_vars > skip_rounds {
let max_domain_size = provers
.map(|prover| prover.domain_size(skip_rounds + prover.n_vars() - max_n_vars))
let mut batch_coeffs = Vec::with_capacity(provers.len());
let mut round_evals = LagrangeRoundEvals::zeros(max_domain_size);
for prover in &mut provers {
let next_batch_coeff = transcript.sample();
let prover_round_evals = prover.execute_univariate_round(
skip_rounds + prover.n_vars() - max_n_vars,
round_evals.add_assign_lagrange(&(prover_round_evals * next_batch_coeff))?;
let zeros_prefix_len = (1 << (skip_rounds + min_n_vars - max_n_vars)).min(max_domain_size);
if zeros_prefix_len != round_evals.zeros_prefix_len {
let univariate_challenge = transcript.sample();
let mut reduction_provers = Vec::with_capacity(provers.len());
for prover in provers {
let regular_prover = Box::new(prover).fold_univariate_round(univariate_challenge)?;
let batch_prove_start = BatchProveStart {
let output = BatchZerocheckUnivariateProveOutput {