// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use binius_field::{util::inner_product_unchecked, BinaryField, ExtensionField, PackedField};
use binius_math::extrapolate_line_scalar;
use binius_ntt::AdditiveNTT;
use binius_utils::bail;
use getset::{CopyGetters, Getters};
use crate::{
merkle_tree::MerkleTreeScheme, protocols::fri::Error,
/// Calculate fold of `values` at `index` with `r` random coefficient.
/// See [DP24], Def. 3.6.
/// [DP24]: <https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/504>
fn fold_pair<F, FS>(
rs_code: &ReedSolomonCode<FS>,
round: usize,
index: usize,
values: (F, F),
r: F,
) -> F
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<FS>,
FS: BinaryField,
// Perform inverse additive NTT butterfly
let t = rs_code.get_ntt().get_subspace_eval(round, index);
let (mut u, mut v) = values;
v += u;
u += v * t;
extrapolate_line_scalar(u, v, r)
/// Calculate FRI fold of `values` at a `chunk_index` with random folding challenges.
/// - `folding_challenges` is not empty.
/// - `values.len() == 1 << folding_challenges.len()`.
/// - `scratch_buffer.len() == values.len()`.
/// - `start_round + folding_challenges.len() - 1 < rs_code.log_dim()`.
/// NB: This method is on a hot path and does not perform any allocations or
/// precondition checks.
/// See [DP24], Def. 3.6 and Lemma 3.9 for more details.
/// [DP24]: <https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/504>
pub fn fold_chunk<F, FS>(
rs_code: &ReedSolomonCode<FS>,
start_round: usize,
chunk_index: usize,
values: &[F],
folding_challenges: &[F],
scratch_buffer: &mut [F],
) -> F
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<FS>,
FS: BinaryField,
// Preconditions
debug_assert!(start_round + folding_challenges.len() <= rs_code.log_dim());
debug_assert_eq!(values.len(), 1 << folding_challenges.len());
debug_assert!(scratch_buffer.len() >= values.len());
// Fold the chunk with the folding challenges one by one
for n_challenges_processed in 0..folding_challenges.len() {
let n_remaining_challenges = folding_challenges.len() - n_challenges_processed;
let scratch_buffer_len = values.len() >> n_challenges_processed;
let new_scratch_buffer_len = scratch_buffer_len >> 1;
let round = start_round + n_challenges_processed;
let r = folding_challenges[n_challenges_processed];
let index_start = chunk_index << (n_remaining_challenges - 1);
// Fold the (2i) and (2i+1)th cells of the scratch buffer in-place into the i-th cell
if n_challenges_processed > 0 {
(0..new_scratch_buffer_len).for_each(|index_offset| {
let values =
(scratch_buffer[index_offset << 1], scratch_buffer[(index_offset << 1) + 1]);
scratch_buffer[index_offset] =
fold_pair(rs_code, round, index_start + index_offset, values, r)
} else {
// For the first round, we read values directly from the `values` slice.
(0..new_scratch_buffer_len).for_each(|index_offset| {
let values = (values[index_offset << 1], values[(index_offset << 1) + 1]);
scratch_buffer[index_offset] =
fold_pair(rs_code, round, index_start + index_offset, values, r)
/// Calculate the fold of an interleaved chunk of values with random folding challenges.
/// The elements in the `values` vector are the interleaved cosets of a batch of codewords at the
/// index `coset_index`. That is, the layout of elements in the values slice is
/// ```text
/// [a0, b0, c0, d0, a1, b1, c1, d1, ...]
/// ```
/// where `a0, a1, ...` form a coset of a codeword `a`, `b0, b1, ...` form a coset of a codeword
/// `b`, and similarly for `c` and `d`.
/// The fold operation first folds the adjacent symbols in the slice using regular multilinear
/// tensor folding for the symbols from different cosets and FRI folding for the cosets themselves
/// using the remaining challenges.
/// NB: This method is on a hot path and does not perform any allocations or
/// precondition checks.
/// See [DP24], Def. 3.6 and Lemma 3.9 for more details.
/// [DP24]: <https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/504>
pub fn fold_interleaved_chunk<F, FS>(
rs_code: &ReedSolomonCode<FS>,
log_batch_size: usize,
chunk_index: usize,
values: &[F],
tensor: &[F],
fold_challenges: &[F],
scratch_buffer: &mut [F],
) -> F
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<FS>,
FS: BinaryField,
// Preconditions
debug_assert!(fold_challenges.len() <= rs_code.log_dim());
debug_assert_eq!(values.len(), 1 << (log_batch_size + fold_challenges.len()));
debug_assert_eq!(tensor.len(), 1 << log_batch_size);
debug_assert!(scratch_buffer.len() >= 2 * (values.len() >> log_batch_size));
// There are two types of mixing we do in this loop. Buffer 1 is populated with the
// folding of symbols from the interleaved codewords into a single codeword. These
// values are mixed as a regular tensor product combination. Buffer 2 is then
// populated with `fold_chunk`, which folds a coset of a codeword using the FRI
// folding algorithm.
let (buffer1, buffer2) = scratch_buffer.split_at_mut(1 << fold_challenges.len());
for (interleave_chunk, val) in values.chunks(1 << log_batch_size).zip(buffer1.iter_mut()) {
*val = inner_product_unchecked(interleave_chunk.iter().copied(), tensor.iter().copied());
if fold_challenges.is_empty() {
} else {
fold_chunk(rs_code, 0, chunk_index, buffer1, fold_challenges, buffer2)
/// Parameters for an FRI interleaved code proximity protocol.
#[derive(Debug, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct FRIParams<F, FA>
F: BinaryField,
FA: BinaryField,
/// The Reed-Solomon code the verifier is testing proximity to.
#[getset(get = "pub")]
rs_code: ReedSolomonCode<FA>,
/// Vector commitment scheme for the codeword oracle.
#[getset(get_copy = "pub")]
log_batch_size: usize,
/// The reduction arities between each oracle sent to the verifier.
fold_arities: Vec<usize>,
/// The number oracle consistency queries required during the query phase.
#[getset(get_copy = "pub")]
n_test_queries: usize,
_marker: PhantomData<F>,
impl<F, FA> FRIParams<F, FA>
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<FA>,
FA: BinaryField,
pub fn new(
rs_code: ReedSolomonCode<FA>,
log_batch_size: usize,
fold_arities: Vec<usize>,
n_test_queries: usize,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if fold_arities.iter().sum::<usize>() >= rs_code.log_dim() + log_batch_size {
Ok(Self {
_marker: PhantomData,
pub const fn n_fold_rounds(&self) -> usize {
self.rs_code.log_dim() + self.log_batch_size
/// Number of oracles sent during the fold rounds.
pub fn n_oracles(&self) -> usize {
/// Number of bits in the query indices sampled during the query phase.
pub fn index_bits(&self) -> usize {
.map(|arity| self.log_len() - arity)
// If there is no folding, there are no random queries either
/// Number of folding challenges the verifier sends after receiving the last oracle.
pub fn n_final_challenges(&self) -> usize {
self.n_fold_rounds() - self.fold_arities.iter().sum::<usize>()
/// The reduction arities between each oracle sent to the verifier.
pub fn fold_arities(&self) -> &[usize] {
/// The binary logarithm of the length of the initial oracle.
pub fn log_len(&self) -> usize {
self.rs_code().log_len() + self.log_batch_size()
/// This layer allows minimizing the proof size.
pub fn vcs_optimal_layers_depths_iter<'a, F, FA, VCS>(
fri_params: &'a FRIParams<F, FA>,
vcs: &'a VCS,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + 'a
VCS: MerkleTreeScheme<F>,
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<FA>,
FA: BinaryField,
.scan(fri_params.log_len(), |log_n_cosets, arity| {
*log_n_cosets -= arity;
Some(vcs.optimal_verify_layer(fri_params.n_test_queries(), *log_n_cosets))
/// The type of the termination round codeword in the FRI protocol.
pub type TerminateCodeword<F> = Vec<F>;
/// Calculates the number of test queries required to achieve a target security level.
/// Throws [`Error::ParameterError`] if the security level is unattainable given the code
/// parameters.
pub fn calculate_n_test_queries<F, PS>(
security_bits: usize,
code: &ReedSolomonCode<PS>,
) -> Result<usize, Error>
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<PS::Scalar>,
PS: PackedField<Scalar: BinaryField>,
let per_query_err = 0.5 * (1f64 + 2.0f64.powi(-(code.log_inv_rate() as i32)));
let mut n_queries = (-(security_bits as f64) / per_query_err.log2()).ceil() as usize;
for _ in 0..10 {
if calculate_error_bound::<F, _>(code, n_queries) >= security_bits {
return Ok(n_queries);
n_queries += 1;
fn calculate_error_bound<F, PS>(code: &ReedSolomonCode<PS>, n_queries: usize) -> usize
F: BinaryField + ExtensionField<PS::Scalar>,
PS: PackedField<Scalar: BinaryField>,
let field_size = 2.0_f64.powi(F::N_BITS as i32);
// ℓ' / |T_{τ}|
let sumcheck_err = code.log_dim() as f64 / field_size;
// 2^{ℓ' + R} / |T_{τ}|
let folding_err = code.len() as f64 / field_size;
let per_query_err = 0.5 * (1.0 + 2.0f64.powi(-(code.log_inv_rate() as i32)));
let query_err = per_query_err.powi(n_queries as i32);
let total_err = sumcheck_err + folding_err + query_err;
-total_err.log2() as usize
/// Heuristic for estimating the optimal FRI folding arity that minimizes proof size.
/// `log_block_length` is the binary logarithm of the block length of the Reed–Solomon code.
pub fn estimate_optimal_arity(
log_block_length: usize,
digest_size: usize,
field_size: usize,
) -> usize {
.map(|arity| {
// for given arity, return a tuple (arity, estimate of query_proof_size).
// this estimate is basd on the following approximation of a single query_proof_size, where $\vartheta$ is the arity:
// $\big((n-\vartheta) + (n-2\vartheta) + \ldots\big)\text{digest_size} + \frac{n-\vartheta}{\vartheta}2^{\vartheta}\text{field_size}.$
((log_block_length) / 2 * digest_size + (1 << arity) * field_size)
* (log_block_length - arity)
/ arity,
// now scan and terminate the iterator when query_proof_size increases.
.scan(None, |old: &mut Option<(usize, usize)>, new| {
let should_continue = !matches!(*old, Some(ref old) if new.1 > old.1);
*old = Some(new);
.map(|(arity, _)| arity)
mod tests {
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use binius_field::{BinaryField128b, BinaryField32b};
use binius_ntt::NTTOptions;
use super::*;
fn test_calculate_n_test_queries() {
let security_bits = 96;
let rs_code = ReedSolomonCode::new(28, 1, &NTTOptions::default()).unwrap();
let n_test_queries =
calculate_n_test_queries::<BinaryField128b, BinaryField32b>(security_bits, &rs_code)
assert_eq!(n_test_queries, 232);
let rs_code = ReedSolomonCode::new(28, 2, &NTTOptions::default()).unwrap();
let n_test_queries =
calculate_n_test_queries::<BinaryField128b, BinaryField32b>(security_bits, &rs_code)
assert_eq!(n_test_queries, 143);
fn test_calculate_n_test_queries_unsatisfiable() {
let security_bits = 128;
let rs_code = ReedSolomonCode::new(28, 1, &NTTOptions::default()).unwrap();
calculate_n_test_queries::<BinaryField128b, BinaryField32b>(security_bits, &rs_code),
fn test_estimate_optimal_arity() {
let field_size = 128;
for log_block_length in 22..35 {
let digest_size = 256;
assert_eq!(estimate_optimal_arity(log_block_length, digest_size, field_size), 4);
for log_block_length in 22..28 {
let digest_size = 1024;
assert_eq!(estimate_optimal_arity(log_block_length, digest_size, field_size), 6);