Crate binius_maybe_rayon

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This crate provides a subset of the rayon API to allow conditional compilation without rayon. This is useful for profiling single-threaded code, as it simplifies call stacks significantly. The initial code was taken from the maybe-rayon crate, but many changes were made to support the usage of ParallelIterator and IndexedParallelIterator methods, which have different signatures from std::iter::Iterator. Some of these changes may be potentially backward-incompatible, and given the absence of tests in the original crate, it is very unlikely that it is possible to commit the changes back to the original crate.


  • Parallel iterator types for arrays ([T; N])
  • Parallel iterator types for standard collections
  • Traits for writing parallel programs using an iterator-style interface
  • Parallel iterator types for options
  • The rayon prelude imports the various ParallelIterator traits. The intention is that one can include use rayon::prelude::* and have easy access to the various traits and methods you will need.
  • Parallel iterator types for ranges, the type for values created by a..b expressions
  • Parallel iterator types for inclusive ranges, the type for values created by a..=b expressions
  • Parallel iterator types for results
  • Parallel iterator types for slices
  • Parallel iterator types for strings
  • This module contains the parallel iterator types for owned strings (String). You will rarely need to interact with it directly unless you have need to name one of the iterator types.
  • Parallel iterator types for vectors (Vec<T>)




  • Executes op within every thread in the current threadpool. If this is called from a non-Rayon thread, it will execute in the global threadpool. Any attempts to use join, scope, or parallel iterators will then operate within that threadpool. When the call has completed on each thread, returns a vector containing all of their return values.
  • Returns the number of threads in the current registry. If this code is executing within a Rayon thread-pool, then this will be the number of threads for the thread-pool of the current thread. Otherwise, it will be the number of threads for the global thread-pool.
  • If called from a Rayon worker thread, returns the index of that thread within its current pool; if not called from a Rayon thread, returns None.
  • Creates a “fork-join” scope s and invokes the closure with a reference to s. This closure can then spawn asynchronous tasks into s. Those tasks may run asynchronously with respect to the closure; they may themselves spawn additional tasks into s. When the closure returns, it will block until all tasks that have been spawned into s complete.
  • Creates a “fork-join” scope s with FIFO order, and invokes the closure with a reference to s. This closure can then spawn asynchronous tasks into s. Those tasks may run asynchronously with respect to the closure; they may themselves spawn additional tasks into s. When the closure returns, it will block until all tasks that have been spawned into s complete.
  • Takes two closures and potentially runs them in parallel. It returns a pair of the results from those closures.
  • Identical to join, except that the closures have a parameter that provides context for the way the closure has been called, especially indicating whether they’re executing on a different thread than where join_context was called. This will occur if the second job is stolen by a different thread, or if join_context was called from outside the thread pool to begin with.
  • Returns the maximum number of threads that Rayon supports in a single thread-pool.
  • Creates a “fork-join” scope s and invokes the closure with a reference to s. This closure can then spawn asynchronous tasks into s. Those tasks may run asynchronously with respect to the closure; they may themselves spawn additional tasks into s. When the closure returns, it will block until all tasks that have been spawned into s complete.
  • Creates a “fork-join” scope s with FIFO order, and invokes the closure with a reference to s. This closure can then spawn asynchronous tasks into s. Those tasks may run asynchronously with respect to the closure; they may themselves spawn additional tasks into s. When the closure returns, it will block until all tasks that have been spawned into s complete.
  • Puts the task into the Rayon threadpool’s job queue in the “static” or “global” scope. Just like a standard thread, this task is not tied to the current stack frame, and hence it cannot hold any references other than those with 'static lifetime. If you want to spawn a task that references stack data, use the scope() function to create a scope.
  • Spawns an asynchronous task on every thread in this thread-pool. This task will run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast the current stack frame – therefore, it cannot capture any references onto the stack (you will likely need a move closure).
  • Fires off a task into the Rayon threadpool in the “static” or “global” scope. Just like a standard thread, this task is not tied to the current stack frame, and hence it cannot hold any references other than those with 'static lifetime. If you want to spawn a task that references stack data, use the scope_fifo() function to create a scope.
  • Cooperatively yields execution to local Rayon work.
  • Cooperatively yields execution to Rayon.