
Function batch_verify_zerocheck_univariate_round

pub fn batch_verify_zerocheck_univariate_round<F, Composition, Challenger_>(
    claims: &[ZerocheckClaim<F, Composition>],
    skip_rounds: usize,
    transcript: &mut VerifierTranscript<Challenger_>,
) -> Result<BatchZerocheckUnivariateOutput<F>, Error>
where F: TowerField, Composition: CompositionPolyOS<F>, Challenger_: Challenger,
Expand description

Verify a batched zerocheck univariate round.

Unlike batch_verify, all round evaluations are on a univariate domain of predetermined size, and batching happens over a single round. This method batches claimed univariatized evaluations of the underlying composites, checks that univariatized round polynomial agrees with them on challenge point, and outputs sumcheck claims for batch_verify on the remaining variables.