Expand description

The multivariate sumcheck polynomial protocol, special cased when the sumcheck is part of the GKR Protocol.

The parent GKR Module must have certain properties in order to qualify to use this sumcheck protocol. 1) The GKR Circuit must be data-parallel 2) The GKR Circuit must admit layer reduction sumcheck claims on multilinear composite polynomials $f(x)$ that have the form $f(x) = g(x) \cdot h(x)$, where $g(x)$ is a partially evaluated equality indicator multilinear polynomial. 3) $h(x)$ must agree with the current layer multilinear everywhere on the boolean hypercube.

If the above conditions are met, then this GKR sumcheck module exploits this structure to yield a more efficient prover algorithm than the sumcheck module.

This module only supports batch proving and batch verification as batch proving a singleton claim is not any less efficient than it would be to prove it in a non-batch setting.




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